well, the last week, or really weeks, have been pretty eventful. the trip to the isla de pascua was very enjoyable, albeit short. it was so good to see my feet after the months they've spent hidden under two pairs of socks (my feet were soo happy in my chacos, this cold weather and lack of being free just isn't good for them!) and just to be warm all over for once! the isla's also beautiful and definitely has something mysterious about it. i wish i could have stayed longer, but the four days i was there were definitely enjoyable!
since when i got back late tuesday night until now i've been really busy working on end of the semester projects, attending cenas de despedidas (goodbye dinners), and having other adventures in valparaíso. in the last couple weeks i've spent alot more time w/ some of the gringo friends i've made, sometimes b/c of projects and stuff we have to do together for our classes, but often just because i've come to realize that i really enjoy the company of alot of them. i've been amazed at the form our friendships have taken, b/c all of us our so completely different, but yet we have the coolest relationships. completely different from the friendships i've always had in the past, but really good at the same time. they've made me think so much about how i look at the world and the people in it and they've also really challenged me in my faith, even though that definitely hasn't been there intentions. it's been really good although at times really uncomfortable stepping outside of my naive, sheltered bubble that i've kept myself in for so long. and it's also been an incredible challenge to do this while still remaining true to who i am and what and who i believe. but through the grace of God and His abounding provision, i feel like my experiences have been all good. and the Lord has been using me and teaching me in situations where i never would have expected to find Him. i also feel like the Lord's really been preparing me while i'm here for what He has in store for me next semester, especially in my position as an RA. i think before i came here i often fell into being very judgemental of many of the choices that people make in how they live their lives, but i've been learning that i have no place to judge others. i'm here to love and to be the Lord's hands and feet, something i continually screw up, but luckily He's a bazillion times bigger than my biggest screw ups and shortcomings.
ohhh, there's so much i've been learning and processing. right now i'm really really tired, so i may leave you for now with the beautiful pictures of la isla de pascua, but as i continue to process all that's going through my head in these last weeks, i'll try and keep the posts coming. i love and miss you all and i'm really excited to see you all in so short a time! mark your calenders. july 15th's the day. i want to see you all PRONTO (soon!) after i get back.
les quiero y extraño muchisimo!
me attacking laurie w/ my lei (sp?) in the airport when we first arrived.
me and the chicatito (little) moai. kinda a my size moai really. i liked his hat too.
the sunset one night. this wasn't even the best part of it, this is just when i finally decided to go get my camera, which i've finally learning how to utilize to capture sunsets (yay for manual functions and actually knowing how to use them!)
super cool flower that was all over the island.
me and laurie sitting on a moai that was never completed. the carved shaped them while they were still in the earth and then somehow cut them out and set them upright.
these are the 15 moai that are quite famous. i didn't get all 15 in this pic ( i have another that has all of them) but you can get an idea of how big they are in this picture b/c laurie and amy are standing in the middle of them. they're pretty huge if you haven't noticed by now.
the sky at sunset one night, yet again thanks to the manual function of my camera which i've grown so fond of :)
me in playa anacana (sp?). you can't tell in the pic, but it was raining while we were there (and all day for that matter), hence the wet hair. but it was quite beautiful nonetheless.