Desde el principio cuando te necesité,
from the beginning when i needed you
desde el momento cuando la mirada alzé,
from the moment when i looked alway
desde ese día, cuando sola me encontraba,
from that day, when i found myself alone
cuando tu mirada en mi se fue a poner.
even then you turned and looked at me
Supe que me amabas lo entendi,
i then understood that you've always loved me
y supe que buscabas, mas de mi,
and that you looked for more of me
que mucho tiempo me esperaste y no llegue,
that you waited for me for a long time, but i never came
supe que me amabas, aunque huí,
i know that you love me, although i ran away
lejos de tu casa, yo me fui,
far from your home, i went
y con un beso y con amor,
but with a kiss and with love
me regalaste tu perdon, estoy aqui.
you gave me the gift of your forgiveness, and now i'm here
Y cuando lejos me encontraba te senti,
and when i was far away i felt you
sabia que entonces me cuidabas y te oí,
and so i knew that you you cared for me and i heard you
como un susurro fue tu voz en el silencio,
like a whisper was your voice in the silence
cada dia me atraias hacia tí
every day you pulled me toward you
and then it repeats the chorus.
so that's a pretty rough translation, but the song's about the prodigal son and it's really quite a beautiful song, for a beautiful story. how great is the love of the Father that even when we run away from Him and squander all the blessings that He's given us, when we finally come home to Him, expecting to work as a slave, He welcomes us back into Him arms with rejoicing and throws us the biggest party imaginable! who great is His grace! i have found myself very thankful for His grace this week and for His never ending, never wavering love and provision. how great is it to live in the grace of our Father!?!?
in other news... i slept through an earthquake that was a grade 5 on the richter scale. i woke up this morning and my family asked me if i felt the super strong earthquake and i had no idea what they were talking about. i guess it happened a little after 6 this morning and was really strong. down south, it was quite catistrophic with a number of people dieing from huge waves caused by an earthquake saturday afternoon. i'm really not afraid of them at all, but i guess there's been quite a bit of seismic activity in the last month. they're still almost fun for me, which probably is a sign of my naivety of how terrible and destructive they can be, but i kinda hope i don't learn to be scared of them...
below are some pictures i took yesterday. ISA went on an excursion to some towns a little north of here called hurcón y zapallar. zapallar especially was quite beautiful. enjoy the photos!
me eating a camaron y queso (shrimp and cheese) empanada! yummy!!