seba and i wandered through the streets of valparaíso thursday taking pictures. while we really didn't take that many, we got some good ones. these are my favorites:
me, looking down from a hill in valparaíso and out to the ocean
i kinda got out of the habit of giving prayer requests, but i think that should change, so here we go...
- pray for a safe, fun, but also God glorifying trip south
- pray that i'll be able to truly enjoy and make the most of every moment here, because sometime i stuggle a little bit with missing home, not that i want to leave, but sometimes thinking about home so much makes it hard to appreciate all that's going on here
- pray for the relationships that are developing with my family and my friends (chilean & american)
- pray that the Lord would teach me to worship and learn of Him in another language, b/c i feel like things are getting lost in translation sometimes right now
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