Wednesday, July 9, 2008

¡vuelvo al mundo chileno!

i think i had forgotten how much i love chile. well, let´s just say i´ve remembered. and being gone for a year has only made me appreciate it even more. i´d forgotten how beautiful it is here, how strong my ties are here, how many people i love and how much i love them. i think i forgot all of that to make being away easier, but now that i´m back... it´s all come back to me. i got here saturday evening and in so many ways i feel like i never left. i´ve been able to pick right back up with so many of my old relationships, i remember all the places i always went, i still know how to get around, and my spanish has only gotten better. even though the weather´s been cold and i really haven´t done anything super exciting, my first 5 days here have been wonderful beyond words. and then, on top of coming back to these people and places i love, it´s been so amazing coming back to christian community after not having any in bolivia. the whole experience of coming back has been one huge blessing after another. and it´s not over yet! yay!

so a run down of what i´ve been up to here... i got in saturday and seba (my chilean brother) picked me up at the airport. seba and i were super close when i was here last year, so it was really great getting picked up by him and having the whole ride to valpo from santiago to catch up. after beening so close while i was here, there´s been alot of catching up to do. we first headed to seba´s apartment in valpo where i´ve been staying. i was going to stay at the family´s house where i stayed last year, but my chilean mom has had to bring her parents whose health isn´t doing too great to the house to take care of them, so there´s just not room for me. so i´m staying with seba and his roommates noel and lisette (lisette is actually the director of the program i came to chile with the first time, so we´re good friends) which has been really great b-c they´re all so nice and there appartment is wonderfully located right in the middle of valpo. after dropping my stuff off at the appartment we went to the family´s house in viña. seeing my chilean mom again was a really sweet moment. she hugged me for so long... it´s been so wonderful to really be hugged by people who care for me so much. i missed that in bolivia. after seeing everyone at the house, we went to an asado (barbeque) that they had kinda organized as my welcome party. sunday we went to church and had lunch together with all the family. this week i´ve just kinda been doing whatever as plans present themselves. i´ve gone to the isa office a couple time to see all the ladies there again, tuesday i got to see my friend scott who´s a friend from home who´s here doing a summer program. the rest of the time´s just been spent doing random things in the city or hanging out with seba. today i went to the family´s house to have lunch and hang out with the fam and now i´m at eva´s house (eva´s my brother felipe´s girlfriend and a good friend of mine) with pipe just hanging out. so yeah, that´s been chile so far, nothing too earth shattering as far as happenings go, but to me it´s just been really wonderful getting to be with everyone again.

so, i think i´ll leave it at that. i may update again soon, but i may not have the time. either way, know that i love you guys lots and i´ll be home before you know it!

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