Wednesday, June 18, 2008

finally pictures!

i'm gonna keep the words short on this edition of "rachel's blog" but give you some long awaited pictures of the beautiful kids i've been working with. every day they steal my heart a little bit more.

this is angel. i think he's 2 and he has down syndrome and he's adorable! i play with him alot and feed him every day at lunch. he can be really grumpy at times, but i'm telling you, there's nothing cuter than his smile and laugh when he gets excited or tickled.

this is cristian, he also has downs, but he's 7 i think. he's so loving and sweet. lots of fun.

this is javier. he's actually the one who bit me a couple weeks ago. the woman in the picture is one of the mámas at the orphanage.

in other news, i'm going to do a bit of traveling this weekend. me and three of the girls i'm living with are going to do the jesuit mission circuit which consists of a string of towns that have what are supposed to be beautifully restored jesuit missions. it's going to be my only chance to see bolivia outside of santa cruz, so i'm really excited to see another side of bolivia. so please pray for safe travels and my relationships with the girls i'm traveling with.
well, i've been on the internet for too long now and i'm worn out, but i'll blog again when i get back. i hope you all are enjoying your summer. i really do miss you all, and i'll be seeing you in not too long!

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